Discover NubiCoin the Next Big Meme
Crypto Gem

NUBI Token is a community-driven meme coin designed for Meme
Lovers and crypto enthusiasts.

Welcome, fellow memers and mirth-seekers, to the world of NubiCoin a digital oasis where the ancient wonders of Nubia collide with the modern marvels of internet humor. Inspired by the rich history and vibrant culture of Nubia, NubiCoin invites you to explore the timeless art of memetics while reveling in the absurdity of the memeiverse. Join us as we unlock the meme mysteries of Nubia and embark on an adventure filled with laughter, intrigue, and pyramid-sized puns!

Token name: NUBICOIN
Token Symbol: $NUBI
Total Supply: 1000000000
Taxes: 5/5
Token Distribution:
Presale: 60%
Liquidity: 30%
Burn: 10%

- Community building
- Fair Launch
- AMA and Community contests
- Prelaunch marketing push

- Community Growth
- Coinmarketcap Listings
- Trendings
- Listing on Major CEX’s
- Huge Marketing Push

- Ambassadors
- Announcement
- T1 CEX listing
- 10,000+ holders